Forums - The SF storyline thus far... Show all 27 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Fighting Game Discussion ( -- The SF storyline thus far... ( Posted by on 01:26:2001 01:05 AM: After months of study and examination, these are the results: Remember...Storyline wise... The SF Alpha series takes place before SF2, but after SF1. The "VS" series takes place during the Alpha series, but before SFA3. SFEX takes place after SFA1, but before SFA2. Capcom vs SNK takes place after SF2 but but before SF3. And of course, SF3 takes place after all of them. The key games in the series is SF1, the PSX/DC version of SFA3, Super SF2 Turbo (X), and basically all 3 versions of SF3. There you go. "Makeru no mo akitarou?!" Posted by DarthSalamander on 01:26:2001 01:22 AM: I don't think the VS Series really were ever a part of the SF storyline. Otherwise you see dialouge between Ken and Ryu in ss3 likes this: Ryu: "Hey remember that cactus, Amingo?" Ken: "Sure do, nice guy" Suddenly Amingo jumps on the screen. Amingo: "Amingo" Then Cable comes out and AHVBS Hugo. Posted by Dan Hibiki on 01:26:2001 01:37 AM: quote: Originally posted by DarthSalamander: I don't think the VS Series really were ever a part of the SF storyline. Otherwise you see dialouge between Ken and Ryu in ss3 likes this: Ryu: "Hey remember that cactus, Amingo?" Ken: "Sure do, nice guy" Suddenly Amingo jumps on the screen. Amingo: "Amingo" Then Cable comes out and AHVBS Hugo. <IMG SRC=""> Yeah ... and I heard something about Capcom stating that the EX series were a "What if" game just like the verses series ... like the EX series never happened. I dunno ... heard it from my friend. It seems that nowadays people only win when they knock other people down. I suppose that's why I'm such a loser. Saikyo! Justin Posted by on 01:26:2001 01:54 AM: They redrew Ryu, Ken and Bison in CvsS to resemble what they looked like in SF2...because the story was getting closer to the events that happened in SF2. SFEX isn't a whatif's just alternate from everything else. "Makeru no mo akitarou?!" Posted by DRAC 'X' on 01:26:2001 09:47 AM: The SF storyline is a very interesting one...but not without the INCONSISTENCY that plagues it badly. The VS series has nothing to do with the somewhat storyline that CAPCOM has being doing for the SF [VS series] is made for FUN...and it's just The animation/art of CvS does truly closely resemble (especially Ken/Ryu) their SF III counterparts, but that is it. Everyone has the same ending as well, depending if you defeat Gouki/Geese/Bison...meaning no real interaction like say between....Satsu No Hado Ryu and Gouki (just an example). I mean...what happened to Sagat/Vega/Balrog after SF 2? The only characters SF III give some insight to is Gouki/Ryu/Ken and Chun Li. What about Guile/Dhalsim and Fei Long? One could [GUESS] that Gouki finally destroyed Gen in SFZ 3 since he's not in any of the SF2/3 series...again that is just a guess. Was Vega[Bison] finally destroyed?! ...and by who...Rose?! [without appearing in the SF2 series?!]...Ryu?...Gouki?...Sagat??!!! We could go back and forth all night but the truth is that there is a SF storyline with the potential to be "above the rest" but it is also too incongruent to make it SOLID. Tekken's or Virtua Fighter's storyline has more fluidity. I can not wait to see what CAPCOM is going to bring to the table with SFZ: The Anime. Shun??!!!...Long lost brother??!!...I don't know about you, but I'm already turned off by that scenario...Satsu No Hado Ryu & Gouki...HELL YES. Remember all the Gouki cameos in the SFII:V series...I loved them. On the other hand that "non-corresponding" storyline makes me "dig" deeper for the truth with all it's twist and turns....wait a minute...that's X-files... Posted by PK on 01:26:2001 10:05 AM: i like the inconsistancies... and the way the character art is done from game to game.. it adds mystery... it adds debate... and fun... you know you all love them... Posted by Evenflow80 on 01:26:2001 10:21 AM: Ok, this may not help much, but I have this really old SFII strategy guide made by Gamepro and endorsed by Capcom, and in Guile's bio it reads, and I quote "Guile and his best friend Charlie were sent into a top secret mission in Thailand six years ago..." So I would place the ALpha games six years before SFII. Now, in one of my Gamefan issues, There is an interview with one of Capcom's presidents or vice-presedints, I dont remember, but it was an interview concerning the (then) upcoming SFIII. the Capcom executive said something like "SFIII takes place approximately 10 years after SFII" dont quote me on this but he did say 10 years. So, the difference between the Alpha games and the SFIII ones is 16 years. Now, this leaves us to decide when SFII took place. If I had to guess, I'd say about 1990 or 1992, the year it was released. Remember Zangief's stage in World Warrior, wasnt it USSR instead of Russia, and it never changed after that either. So here's what I put together: -1984/1985 : the Alpha games -1991/1992 : the SFII games -2000+ : the SFIII games Obviously, the EX games arent "offical" SF stories. Capcom said this themselves. the Characters were just licensed out to Akira to make the EX games. And for obvious reasons, the V.S games arent meant to be taken seriously, I mean, I doubt Ryu ever had to fight a giant Cavctus, or that Zangief ever had to challenge Mega Man. So, do you think this timeline is about right? Posted by CWFPresidentAri on 01:28:2001 10:38 PM: quote: Originally posted by DRAC 'X': The SF storyline is a very interesting one...but not without the INCONSISTENCY that plagues it badly. The VS series has nothing to do with the somewhat storyline that CAPCOM has being doing for the SF [VS series] is made for FUN...and it's just The animation/art of CvS does truly closely resemble (especially Ken/Ryu) their SF III counterparts, but that is it. Everyone has the same ending as well, depending if you defeat Gouki/Geese/Bison...meaning no real interaction like say between....Satsu No Hado Ryu and Gouki (just an example). I mean...what happened to Sagat/Vega/Balrog after SF 2? The only characters SF III give some insight to is Gouki/Ryu/Ken and Chun Li. What about Guile/Dhalsim and Fei Long? One could [GUESS] that Gouki finally destroyed Gen in SFZ 3 since he's not in any of the SF2/3 series...again that is just a guess. Was Vega[Bison] finally destroyed?! ...and by who...Rose?! [without appearing in the SF2 series?!]...Ryu?...Gouki?...Sagat??!!! We could go back and forth all night but the truth is that there is a SF storyline with the potential to be "above the rest" but it is also too incongruent to make it SOLID. Tekken's or Virtua Fighter's storyline has more fluidity. I can not wait to see what CAPCOM is going to bring to the table with SFZ: The Anime. Shun??!!!...Long lost brother??!!...I don't know about you, but I'm already turned off by that scenario...Satsu No Hado Ryu & Gouki...HELL YES. Remember all the Gouki cameos in the SFII:V series...I loved them. On the other hand that "non-corresponding" storyline makes me "dig" deeper for the truth with all it's twist and turns....wait a minute...that's X-files... I agree with you on this one. There seems to be a hell of a lot of plot holes that plague the Street Fighter series, making it hard to follow at some points. Sure, even to this day, I have lots of questions as to what happened to some characters. Especially why certain characters whom actually were good were left out of future titles. It's very confusing, to say the least. -Ari Posted by CWFPresidentAri on 01:28:2001 10:42 PM: quote: Originally posted by Evenflow80: ..."Guile and his best friend Charlie were sent into a top secret mission in Thailand six years ago I don't mean to offend anybody, but the name "Charlie" isn't really his name. It came as a form of poking fun at the Vietnam War. His real name - and the name I always refer to him by - is Nash. Quite frankly, I thought that name was better than Charlie in the first place. Why did they change it? -Ari. Posted by DrunkinB on 01:28:2001 11:39 PM: Mayb they just decided charlie sounds better then nash Posted by idol on 01:28:2001 11:48 PM: Maybe because Charlie sounded more like a real name than Nash. Well in America at least.... Posted by Demon_Drake on 01:29:2001 01:51 AM: quote: Originally posted by GeoG2: After months of study and examination, these are the results: Remember...Storyline wise... The SF Alpha series takes place before SF2, but after SF1. The "VS" series takes place during the Alpha series, but before SFA3. SFEX takes place after SFA1, but before SFA2. Capcom vs SNK takes place after SF2 but but before SF3. And of course, SF3 takes place after all of them. The key games in the series is SF1, the PSX/DC version of SFA3, Super SF2 Turbo (X), and basically all 3 versions of SF3. There you go. <IMG SRC=""> "Makeru no mo akitarou?!" The Vs. series doesn't actually happen. It's kind of a "What if" series. Street Fighter Alpha 1 doesn't actually occur. The storyline in Alpha 2 replaced it. Basically, all events in the Alpha 1 storyline are replaced by those in the Alpha 2 version of the game. Alpha 3 supposedly takes place after Alpha 2, during which the storyline is irredeemably warped and left for dead, and SF2 can never happen. EX seems to occur after SFA2 and before SF2, with Sakura still being a teenager in the game as opposed to being a full adult. SSF2T can't be key, storywise, because, due to the SFA3 storyline, it could never have happened. That's why I hate it when Capcom rapes their storyline like this. I think Capcom forgot the story about Charlie being killed 6 years before SF2, and just changed the storyline. At the same time, it would make sense if it happened then. Ryu, as I recall, was supposed to of been born in 1964, so if SF1 occured in 1984/85, he'd be 19, 20, or 21 at the time, which is about what he looks like in that game. In Alpha 2 he'd probably be 21 or 22 years old and in Alpha 3 probably 23 or 24. When SF2 occurs in 1991 ( which, logically, it couldn't of since Capcom warped their storylines ), Ryu would've been 26 or 27. The story's hard to follow, and it changes from one game to the next. *sigh* Posted by Evenflow80 on 01:29:2001 03:20 AM: I always considered that every game in a certain series take place at the same time, i.e , all the Alphas take place at the same time period, all the SFII games take place at the same time period, and all the SFIII games take plae at the same time too. Posted by on 01:29:2001 04:06 AM: You guys have some very warped opinions when the story is involved. Never the less, I respect them matter how twisted your logic may seem. "Ichi, ni, san, shi...shobu desu!" Posted by Septmed on 01:29:2001 05:41 AM: Well when SF4 comes out, it will end all these so call mysteries........... You must beat Karin Kanzuki to stand a chance!! Posted by Lv.32 Z-Ism Rose on 01:29:2001 10:36 AM: I was reading the Capcom Illustrations book (trying, know just a little japanese), when I saw the description for SFA. It says SFA is a parallel story. It makes sense to me that it is a parallel story instead of a prequel to SF2. It would explain why Nash is still alive, why Bison has all this Psycho Drive crap in SFA3, but not in SF2--why lose it when he could demolish every world warrior? It would also explain why the characters would go from very powerful (SFA3) to mild (SF2). Ex: SFA3 Ken has: hadoken, shoryuken, tatsumaki sempuukyaku, kuchu tatsuma...., roll, Shoryureppa, Shinryuken, Shippu Jinrai Kyaku, VC's. SF2 Ken has: hadoken, shoryuken, tatsumaki ... Why would he give up so many moves? Also, the technology in SFA3 is way too advanced to be set before SF2 (video phones, psycho drives, that stupid robotic statue in Sagat's stage, the DNA manipulation of the Dolls). Not to mention that Strider and some Darkstalkers were in Ken's boat at Eliza's b-day party in SFA2 (great stage!!!). To me, it seems that SFA series has a storyline that has some prequel flavor to it (Ken and Ryu younger, SF1 chars, Cammy working for Bison, Nash is alive), but it is a new storyline that strays of from SF2 to form its own(still doesn't explain Nash, tho). Posted by lotusson on 01:29:2001 04:55 PM: quote: Originally posted by Lv.32 Z-Ism Rose: I was reading the Capcom Illustrations book (trying, know just a little japanese), when I saw the description for SFA. It says SFA is a parallel story. It makes sense to me that it is a parallel story instead of a prequel to SF2. It would explain why Nash is still alive, why Bison has all this Psycho Drive crap in SFA3, but not in SF2--why lose it when he could demolish every world warrior? It would also explain why the characters would go from very powerful (SFA3) to mild (SF2). Ex: SFA3 Ken has: hadoken, shoryuken, tatsumaki sempuukyaku, kuchu tatsuma...., roll, Shoryureppa, Shinryuken, Shippu Jinrai Kyaku, VC's. SF2 Ken has: hadoken, shoryuken, tatsumaki ... Why would he give up so many moves? Also, the technology in SFA3 is way too advanced to be set before SF2 (video phones, psycho drives, that stupid robotic statue in Sagat's stage, the DNA manipulation of the Dolls). Not to mention that Strider and some Darkstalkers were in Ken's boat at Eliza's b-day party in SFA2 (great stage!!!). To me, it seems that SFA series has a storyline that has some prequel flavor to it (Ken and Ryu younger, SF1 chars, Cammy working for Bison, Nash is alive), but it is a new storyline that strays of from SF2 to form its own(still doesn't explain Nash, tho). <IMG SRC=""> good point. Posted by Demon_Drake on 02:11:2001 03:11 AM: quote: Originally posted by Lv.32 Z-Ism Rose: I was reading the Capcom Illustrations book (trying, know just a little japanese), when I saw the description for SFA. It says SFA is a parallel story. It makes sense to me that it is a parallel story instead of a prequel to SF2. It would explain why Nash is still alive, why Bison has all this Psycho Drive crap in SFA3, but not in SF2--why lose it when he could demolish every world warrior? It would also explain why the characters would go from very powerful (SFA3) to mild (SF2). Ex: SFA3 Ken has: hadoken, shoryuken, tatsumaki sempuukyaku, kuchu tatsuma...., roll, Shoryureppa, Shinryuken, Shippu Jinrai Kyaku, VC's. SF2 Ken has: hadoken, shoryuken, tatsumaki ... Why would he give up so many moves? Also, the technology in SFA3 is way too advanced to be set before SF2 (video phones, psycho drives, that stupid robotic statue in Sagat's stage, the DNA manipulation of the Dolls). Not to mention that Strider and some Darkstalkers were in Ken's boat at Eliza's b-day party in SFA2 (great stage!!!). To me, it seems that SFA series has a storyline that has some prequel flavor to it (Ken and Ryu younger, SF1 chars, Cammy working for Bison, Nash is alive), but it is a new storyline that strays of from SF2 to form its own(still doesn't explain Nash, tho). <IMG SRC=""> I think Ken is supposed to have all the moves he had in Alpha in SF2. He doesn't have them in the game SF2 simply because the creators hadn't put them in yet, or even thought them up, perhaps. As for the technology, it would have to be created by Bison's own scientist we saw in SF:The Animated Movie and Bison's SFA2 ending. This scientist seems to be a genius, and thus would be responsible for creating most of the devices ahead of their time. The hoverjet, the Psycho Drive, the monitor cyborgs from the movie, the DNA manipulation of the dolls, and the statue could all be traced to him. I don't remember seeing any characters with video phones, but if they Bison cronies, I suppose those could be attributed to the scientist, too, but otherwise it wouldn't make sense. Even if the Alpha series is fake, I think some of the events in it *should* happen. I think Birdie should actually try to join Shadoloo, Adon should actually challenge Sagat, and Sakura actually follows after Ryu. They should find a way to make the dolls, R. Mika, Karin and the other new characters a part of the real series, although the Psycho Drive might not be created, but none of the events which destroy the SF2 storyline should be considered true, and Charlie dies after pursuing Bison, but at an earlier date, like the 6 years before as mentioned in the SF2 series. Posted by Bowling Pin on 02:11:2001 03:55 AM: quote: Originally posted by Septmed: Well when SF4 comes out, it will end all these so call mysteries........... You must beat Karin Kanzuki to stand a chance!! ...Unless, of course, Street Fighter 4 takes place when Ryu and Ken are 80 year old men in wheelchairs STILL kicking ass, slowly, but surely. My whole take on this is that the Street Fighter series has more than one storyline. Remember Chrono Cross? See, videogames can have alternate universes, and it would be wise to assume they all have alternate universes, unless it is proven to be impossible in the game's storyline, or by the game's creators. Let's look at the threads. 1. Street Fighter A- Street Fighter/Final Fight* B- Street Fighter Alpha 2*** C- Super Street Fighter II Turbo D- Street Fighter III 2. Street Fighter 2010 A- Street Fighter/Final Fight* B- Street Fighter 2010 (I don't know how far the series can go with Ken being a scientist.) 3. Alpha A- Street Fighter/Final Fight* B- Street Fighter Alpha** 4. Alpha Alternate A- Street Fighter/Final Fight* B- Street Fighter Alpha 2 C- Street Fighter Alpha 3 5. Chun-Li in Breath of Fire A- Street Fighter B- Street Fighter Alpha 2*** C- Super Street Fighter II Turbo D- Breath of Fire (she makes a cameo, remember?) 6. Movie A- Street Fighter the Movie Arcade 7. Movie Alternate A- Street Fighter the Movie PSX/Saturn 8. Street Fighter II Animation A- Street Fighter II The Animated Movie/Street Fighter II The Animated Movie (PSX) 9. Street Fighter USA Animation A- Street Fighter USA Animation 10. Street Fighter II V A- Street Fighter II V 11. Street Fighter Alpha Animation A- Street Fighter Alpha Animation 12. Marvel Vs. A- Street Fighter B- Street Fighter Alpha 2 C- X-Men vs. Street Fighter D- Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter E- Marvel vs. Capcom**** *- Mike Haggar is said to be the original "Street Fighter." Either he was the first to start the tournament, or he was the first to literally fight people on a street. Anyway, Final Fight and Street Fighter happened simultaneously, and are canon. Remember the cameos in FF2? I'd include more, but I'm too tired. **-Street Fighter Alpha is an alternate version, storyline wise, of Street Fighter Alpha 2. ***-Street Fighter Alpha 2 did happen in the regular storyline, and as proof of that, Dan Hibiki is made reference to by Sean in Street Fighter III. ****-The big ass shit. Marvel vs. Capcom has the potential to FUCK UP not ONE, not TWO, but THREE, count 'em, THREE UNIVERSES. Let's see this, shall we? The entire Megaman, Strider, Commando (which happens to be an alternate universe of the real world, which makes the crosses with the other Capcom worlds and Marvel [which is already an alternate universe of our world] alternates of our world too), Marvel, Darkstalkers...not to mention a lot more...are conjoined together. If you read up on your Marvel during 1996, you would know of the Heroes Reborn and Heroes Return series in which the heroes killed by Onslaught are reborn in an alternate universe, only to come back to the regular Marvel world. Tired of being regulated to seperate worlds, the heroes of Capcom decide to mix in together in a happy battle royal. So, at least we know that Hitler is canon, don't we? Oh, where was I? 13. SNK ...Shit, I don't know. All of the Art of Fighting/King of Fighters/Fatal Fury games, Street Fighter, Darkstalkers, Alpha 2, and Super Street Fighter II Turbo I guess. Well, that's pretty much it. Unless you want to count the bazillion Marvel alternate universes (What If?, TV series adaptions of Marvel heroes, movie adaptions, and childrens books) that is. If you want to know why Street Fighter is so friggin' huge...blame the X-Men. ------------------------ Ever play Capcom Bowling? No? Then redeem yourself. Posted by G_Cube on 02:11:2001 04:07 AM: Beat-em-ups never made for good storylines anyway. lead, others struggle to follow... Posted by Bowling Pin on 02:11:2001 04:14 AM: I'd add Saturday Night Slammasters...but I don't know where it would go. Posted by Jin Rules! on 02:11:2001 07:33 AM: quote: Originally posted by Demon_Drake: The Vs. series doesn't actually happen. It's kind of a "What if" series. Street Fighter Alpha 1 doesn't actually occur. The storyline in Alpha 2 replaced it. Basically, all events in the Alpha 1 storyline are replaced by those in the Alpha 2 version of the game. Alpha 3 supposedly takes place after Alpha 2, during which the storyline is irredeemably warped and left for dead, and SF2 can never happen. EX seems to occur after SFA2 and before SF2, with Sakura still being a teenager in the game as opposed to being a full adult. SSF2T can't be key, storywise, because, due to the SFA3 storyline, it could never have happened. That's why I hate it when Capcom rapes their storyline like this. I think Capcom forgot the story about Charlie being killed 6 years before SF2, and just changed the storyline. At the same time, it would make sense if it happened then. Ryu, as I recall, was supposed to of been born in 1964, so if SF1 occured in 1984/85, he'd be 19, 20, or 21 at the time, which is about what he looks like in that game. In Alpha 2 he'd probably be 21 or 22 years old and in Alpha 3 probably 23 or 24. When SF2 occurs in 1991 ( which, logically, it couldn't of since Capcom warped their storylines ), Ryu would've been 26 or 27. The story's hard to follow, and it changes from one game to the next. *sigh* Of course SF2 could've happened (assuming Bison is the only reason you discount it). Considdering we're talking about a videogame with supernatural tendencies, we can just fill in the gaps ourselves. Ok, Alpha 3 takes place about 5-10 years before SF2, and Bison is killed at the end of A3. Notice, if you will, that Bison looks alot different in the Alpha games than in SF2 and CvsS. He's alot bigger, fatter, etc. The Psycho Drive, which is supposed to be one of the most powerfull things on earth, SUPPOSEDLY leaves his body at the end of A3. Now heres where the guess work comes in. Either Bison just regenerates sometime within the 10 years between A3 and SF2, or we get a whole NEW Bison. The Body was the only thing that got killed in A3. Infact, in Ryu's ending didn't Bison say that he kept transfering the Drive to different bodies? So considdering the differences between Alpha series bison and After Bison, one could assume that the Drive was passed down to a new person. Kind of like the mafia, some one is always the "Don". Maybe the deal with shadowloo, is that somebody eventually becomes the "Balrog", according to the japanese name. Infact, doesn't Balrog mean Fire Demon or something? This would bring the supernatural quality, and the possibility of resurection. I don't know, but when the plot's not set in stone, it is safe to assume things. I am Shin Orochi Evil Cyber Shadow Jin Rules!...nevermind. Posted by on 02:11:2001 08:13 AM: OK... Why won't it go up? Posted by on 02:11:2001 08:20 AM: One of my older topics got brought back....yipee!!! ( *_* ) -------------------------------- Custom Tag ID: "Silver Womb" Tae Kwon Do...the ultimate style of fighting! Posted by vandal14 on 02:11:2001 09:27 AM: im not sure if anyone else noticed, but in the game, its just a bunch of fighting. only stroy i see is in anime Congratulations! You have just been vandalized! Posted by ShinBroku on 02:13:2001 06:21 AM: The SF story line... too f....d up... I have some deductions about it: - Charlie's last name is Nash, after all Nash sounds japanese(for me). - Guile don't appears in SFA3 since M. Bison has finally been destroyed, his wife and daughter convinced him to quit fighting. - I don't know where, but i heard that Yang and Yun where Gen's grandchildren. - Ken married Eliza after SFII turbo. - CAPCOM has said, if i'm not wrong that every SFII is the same story, the difference is that the game was upgraded with every release. - I also heard that the EX stories where just a "what if..." like someone else said before, of the events of SFII. - Gouken was Sheng Long. - Akuma's real name is Gouki. And there are lots of things, but I'm getting tired... Posted by TS on 03:14:2001 04:51 PM: quote: Originally posted by ShinBroku: The SF story line... too f....d up... I have some deductions about it: - Charlie's last name is Nash, after all Nash sounds japanese(for me). When Charlie was mentioned in the Japanese version of SF2, his name was Nash there also. So outside of South-east Asia, he's pretty much just Charlie. Having his last name be Nash was just something that people strung together so the two names wouldn't conflict (like the Akuma/Gouki thing). quote: - Guile don't appears in SFA3 since M. Bison has finally been destroyed, his wife and daughter convinced him to quit fighting. Well that may have been true initially, but Capcom decided to throw in all of the ST characters into A3. Whether they were intended to be in the Arcade version, or not (the arcade version was rushed a bit) is something only the guys at Capcom o' Japan know. quote: - I don't know where, but i heard that Yang and Yun where Gen's grandchildren. Heard that also, probably from Gamest Mook ("official" Capcom manga or something over in Japan). quote: - I also heard that the EX stories where just a "what if..." like someone else said before, of the events of SFII. I've heard that SFEX was one of the ideas floating around for SF3. Luckily they didn't use that when they realized it fucking sucked. quote: - Gouken was Sheng Long. Shen Long pretty much doesn't exist. Was created by EGM as a prank in one of their issues, even though is name is in some of the SF2 games (because Capcom of the US didn't know it was a joke, or something). Beware the translation bug. You never know how much things change when they get shifted into english. [Qutoe] - Akuma's real name is Gouki. [/QUOTE] Akuma's name is Gouki in South-East Asia, just like the whole Balrog/Vega/Bison = Bison/Balrog/Vega thing. One would assume Capcom changed it because of either a mis-translation or the whole "gook" thing. All times are GMT. The time now is 04:21 PM. Show all 27 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.